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Bucks grown at Wilks Whitetail

Wilks whitetail is setting the standard in proven genetics.

Year after year we have everything from monster non-typical to clean typical bucks. Let us know what you are looking for and we can help sell you or create your potential dream deer! Wilks whitetail has stocker does and bucks, embryos, semen and breeder quality stock for sale at fair pricing. We are honest and are committed to helping you. Give us a call to get some proven genetics in your herd!


  1. Freeze frame X Venoms grand-dam 

  2. Witch DR. X Voodoo

  3. Horsepower X Express X Danger X Monarch 1-on Lonestar Dangers Dam

  4. Hypnotic X Game changers sister (b7083 dam)

  5. Horsepower X Triple crown X Ranger X Hardcore

  6. BlackJack X Danger on D1's Dam

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